Monday 3 May 2021

Fear of the Dark, scenario 2, scene 1 - The lonely road

Fear of the Dark scenario 2, scene 1 the lonely road.

Our Heroes are traveling to a near by town & come across a crashed vehicle, with three hoodlums accosting a young lady.

One one the kidnappers, brandishing a knife charges at Sister Ursula tripping just as she reaches the Crimson Nun

Father Rathbone rushes to her aid spotting a iron bar in the hedge & grabs it on the way past lunging at the attacker & missing her with his first wild swing. Quickly he recovers & knocks her unconscious with a single blow to the head. The two monks move cautiously round the rear of the car.


The two antagonists still standing are a lot more cautious than their unconscious friend. 

As the Nun moves forward, picking up the fallen knife on the way, one of the Gangsters charges her & they both swing wildly, father Rathbone again rushes to her aid & swiftly dispatches him. 


As is well known, criminals are a cowardly lot and the remaining man doesn’t disappoint & runs off, leaving our heroes to rescue the girl.

 All in all another enjoyable little game. I'm rally liking painting all the figures that I've bought over the years for WWWII (why I have so many professor types though is anybodies guess!)


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