Saturday, 8 February 2025

Woop Woop sound of the Police

 I got some of the Heresy Miniatures Sci-Fi Police for Christmas. 

So I’ve painted them up to guard some of the entrances in the town

They are fantastic figures, but quite slender to mast figures. 

Thursday, 30 January 2025

The Mechanics Robot

Quite a while ago, I picked up a Robot from Killer B Games’ Star Patrol range.

So I thought that I would paint it to go in the Junkyard as the Mechanics faithful retainer. 

It’s a nice chunky retro looking robot.

So here’s a picture of it next to the plastic Stargrave Alien Mechanic that I’ve painted previously 

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Sci-Fi Civilians

 I’ve done a couple more Civilian’s for the desert town. 

I took a photo with the previous civilian that I chucked some paint at. 

There’s a female figure from Khurasan miniatures, I think she’s a 70’s tv reporter. 

I had one previously & added some greenstuff to extend the skirt & make her look like she was wearing a jacket.

With this one I just painted her as is & will use her as a plot point. 

Next up is a plastic figure from Northstar, from the Stargrave range, I wanted him to have a scanner, but only had a 40k one, but it doesn’t look too bad.  

Sunday, 19 January 2025

Yet more Sci-F stuff

 I’ve made another simple tank, this time from 2 ‘Mushroom's’ an aerosol lid & plastic strip, I found a few Lego bits to make the thing on the side (didn’t take any WIP pictures though)

I also painted up a figure that I’ve had for years, I think she was a commissioned by someone over on LAF & sold over there. She can be used as a plot point to be rescued, or possibly a companion for the Doctor (should have made her a blonde, could’ve used her as Rose)

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Sci-Fi Storage Tanks

 I’ve just made a couple of storage tanks for the desert board.

These have been cobbled together from various bits that we had lying around.
These black one's main body is from a Bullet Bill sweet container, 
with the holes filled in & various bits of Plasticard & plastic rod glued on

The other one is from a weird dome bit that I found, part of an old light fitting, with the usual bits of plastic rod etc stuck on

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Retro Sci-Fi League

 I’ve painted up a Pulp Sci-Fi league using the 2010 Salute giveaway figures.

The Robot on the right I painted a while ago but have rebased it on half of the scenic base that came with the set, I only added a bit to the front so that it took up the whole base.

The other Robot on the left has had its stance changed as best I could to make it more upright. 

I achieved this by cutting it in the middle, removing a sliver & bending it back. 

I also removed the right arm & re-positioned it. 

The base insert is a scratch built piece as well, made from press-moulded Miliput, plastic rod & card.

Finally the Leader, she is also on part of the original scenic base,

 with bits of plastic rod added to fill it out to the sides.

I will probably end up using these as a Leader & two side kicks.

Saturday, 28 December 2024

Desert terrain Sci-fi Gubbins

 Well I’ve been messing about making some Sci-fi looking bits (mostly from stuff I’ve found kicking about on site) to use my desert town terrain as a space port for Pulp Alley Doctor Who & Sci-Fi games, a bit more Star Wars than Doctor Who though 🤷‍♂️

I should also say that the idea was not to purchase anything for this project, 

everything had to be either what I already had or what I could scrounge & this goal was achieved.

The Hab Zone showing the pillars one of the comms towers, 
a couple of domes & the larger arched gateway

Landing pad with the weird fuel station and luggage pile, 
the large saucer (this is before I added the landing gear) & the small saucer. 
No  cargo pods yet.

The scrap yard with the engine, scrap pile & barrels & another comms tower. 
The arched gateway can be seen on the top right as well.
With the IMC bothering a time travelling busybody.

The whole board

The first thing I made was a large arched gateway for the space dock, 

using the same method I’ve previously posted about when I made the walls

The domes are made from half Christmas bauble glued onto a piece of plastic 

and covered in filler then sanded down.

All of the Comms Tower units for the tops of the buildings are made various electrical bits, 

old kit parts & plastic rod. 

The junk pile is various kit bits from the soars box. 

Engine & Vid screen 

The scratch built engine is cobbled together from an electrical connector & bits from the spares box. The leaking drums for the scrapyard are old 40k ones.
 The pillars, again electrical bits & spares from the bits box & the info screen for the Hab zone is created from some old kit bits on a Flintloque flat metal base, to give it a bit of weight. 

Hab Zone pillar 

Saucer landing gear

Cargo pods & Force field generator thing 🤣

I also made a weird thing that I’m not sure what it’s supposed to be (possibly a force field generator?) out of an electrical coupling, a pipe connector & a plastic mushroom, 

well it looks Sci-fi enough for me! 🤣

I later added some landing gear to the large saucer out of plastic tubing & some caps 

that are used on aircon units.

 I've also made a small saucer from some MDF discs & rings, a pipe collar & a different shaped plastic ‘mushroom’ used for capping steel rods & a few old 40k bits. 

There’s also a pile of luggage from 40k & 1/35 WW2 bits.

Finally some cargo pods out of plastic skirting corners, these are a bit wonky as the glue set a bit quicker than I expected.

Thursday, 21 November 2024

Reinforcements Have Arrived

 Some Dalek reinforcements have arrived, along with some enemies 

Just need a cyber leader now 😁

Tuesday, 19 November 2024

80’s Citadel Lord of the Rings Easterling

 I’ve done some more 80’s Citadel goodness. 

This is one of those figures that I really wanted to paint. I had, had the foot figure before but that disappeared a while ago & along came Adam & asked me to paint it for him 😁

Anyway here’s some more pictures 

Thursday, 7 November 2024

Some Old School Citadel Goodness


As can be seen from the picture above, I've just been painting up some 

old Citadel Miniatures from the late 80's early 90's 

Judge Reed

A Chaos Warrior (at least I think it is, I can’t find him anywhere!) with a Metal Citadel embossed shield

A few Orcs (I seem to have missed the Varnish off the Orc Shield!)

The Brigadier & Sgt. Benton

& a Modern Statue that comes with the Cultists from 1st Corps

Sorry still rubbish at photos 🤣

Friday, 11 October 2024

Citadel Daleks

 I picked up some of the Old Citadel Daleks & Davros a couple of years ago at Fiasco in Leeds & have finally decided to tackle them, as there was one with a missing head dome & Arm Plunger as well as broken & missing Eye Stalks.

I though that i would try to sort out the one with the missing dome & plunger first.

So  I made a press mold of a dome from a complete Dalek & used milliput to mold a new dome, then put a bit of plastic rod in the dremel & used this like a lathe & turned some a new Eye pieces & the funny ringed bit, then i made a claw for the arm.

Some WIPS & the completed figures can be seen below

I will have to create a Pulp Alley League

I've had a flying saucer for years (since Beatties Model Shop in Leeds closed down!) & put some ping pong balls on the underside, sprayed it silver & dirtied it up a bit, now the Dalek invasion can begin 😂

Monday, 15 July 2024

A few more Silver Bayonet Bad Guys & the First Figure for The Trading Company Unit


I have painted up The Harvestmen Agents pack from Northstar 
From the Canada Supplement these are a nice couple of figures.
one is an Assassin & the other an Agent

This is another of the Westwind Nosferatu, 
to go with the 2 that i painted previously.

And Finally My Gaffer for the Trading Company unit from The Canada supplement.
The figure is from Mr Hecht by Artizan Designs & found in The Grimm Prairie Tales Range.
I have tweaked him by changing his hat into a Top hat, altered the holster slightly & added a hammer & flint to the pistol, but otherwise he is unchanged. 

Thanks for looking 😎

Sunday, 26 May 2024

A Few Pulp Miniatures

 Just been trying to take some pictures of my Pulp Alley Leagues & some plot points, so I thought I might as well share them on here, as they’ve not been shown all together 

First is The Tunbotham Detectives, then the next league is The Order of the Silver Cross a Vatican investigation team 

Following after are the plot points, with some scratch built & bought bits. 

Finally, there’s  three Perils 2 drunken sailors & a goose

Saturday, 6 April 2024

A Grizzly & French Drum Major

 I’ve finished a couple more bits for Silver Bayonet, a French drum Major from Front Rank, I will use him as either a Supernatural Investigator or an Occultist (especially as it looks like he is carrying a Wizards staff 😁) I still might put piping round the turnbacks though 🥴

Then there’s only a Sailor, Vivandière & 2 officers & I will have finished all that I’m going to do for the French Unit.
The next one that I’ve done is a Grizzly from Rogue Miniatures, this will be used either as the Werebear in a Trading Company Unit or just as a Monster to fight