Friday 11 October 2024

Citadel Daleks

 I picked up some of the Old Citadel Daleks & Davros a couple of years ago at Fiasco in Leeds & have finally decided to tackle them, as there was one with a missing head dome & Arm Plunger as well as broken & missing Eye Stalks.

I though that i would try to sort out the one with the missing dome & plunger first.

So  I made a press mold of a dome from a complete Dalek & used milliput to mold a new dome, then put a bit of plastic rod in the dremel & used this like a lathe & turned some a new Eye pieces & the funny ringed bit, then i made a claw for the arm.

The completed figures can be seen below

I've had a flying saucer for years (since Beaties closed down!) & put some ping pong balls on the underside, sprayed it silver & dirtied it up a bit, now the Dalek invasion can begin 😂

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