Monday 15 July 2024

A few more Silver Bayonet Bad Guys & the First Figure for The Trading Company Unit


I have painted up The Harvestmen Agents pack from Northstar 
From the Canada Supplement these are a nice couple of figures.
one is an Assassin & the other an Agent

This is another of the Westwind Nosferatu, 
to go with the 2 that i painted previously.

And Finally My Gaffer for the Trading Company unit from The Canada supplement.
The figure is from Mr Hecht by Artizan Designs & found in The Grimm Prairie Tales Range.
I have tweaked him by changing his hat into a Top hat, altered the holster slightly & added a hammer & flint to the pistol, but otherwise he is unchanged. 

Thanks for looking 😎

Sunday 26 May 2024

A Few Pulp Miniatures

 Just been trying to take some pictures of my Pulp Alley Leagues & some plot points, so I thought I might as well share them on here, as they’ve not been shown all together 

First is The Tunbotham Detectives, then the next league is The Order of the Silver Cross a Vatican investigation team 

Following after are the plot points, with some scratch built & bought bits. 

Finally, there’s  three Perils 2 drunken sailors & a goose

Saturday 6 April 2024

A Grizzly & French Drum Major

 I’ve finished a couple more bits for Silver Bayonet, a French drum Major from Front Rank, I will use him as either a Supernatural Investigator or an Occultist (especially as it looks like he is carrying a Wizards staff 😁) I still might put piping round the turnbacks though 🥴

Then there’s only a Sailor, Vivandière & 2 officers & I will have finished all that I’m going to do for the French Unit.
The next one that I’ve done is a Grizzly from Rogue Miniatures, this will be used either as the Werebear in a Trading Company Unit or just as a Monster to fight

Saturday 23 March 2024

Silver Bayonet Completed British Unit

 Here's picture of the finished (For now 😁) British Unit

There's probably a few figures that I've not posted before

That will be it for the next 6 months 🤣🤣

Wednesday 20 March 2024

The Silver Bayonet Bad Guys


Just realised that I hadn’t posted anything about the Tsemaus, so here goes: 

For The New Canada Expansion I needed a Tsemaus! 
I had no Idea what this was so I searched it up on the net.

When i found out what it was I decided I would make one!

I looked for a suitable base miniature & found a Kinder Egg Dolphin figure.

I cut off the lower half the filled & glued it together as well as pointing off the nose.
I then made a dorsal fin from a bit of plasticard & logs from scribed plastic rod.

I've also painted a Polar Bear, Moose & a Baxbaxwalanuksiwe from North Star. 
I also re-based a Bears Head miniatures (Now from Bad Squiddo Games) Wendigo 
& Black Bear (dont know where I got that from)

Below are a couple of Cultists

A Demon From RAFM

Tuesday 19 March 2024

Converted figures for The Silver Bayonet

Finally another sporadic blog update 😁

I've been finishing up more stuff for The Silver Bayonet.

So to start i finally found a miniature to use for a Heavy cavalryman. The base figure is Lord Byron from Matchlock Miniatures,The Regency Zombie Hunters range sold by Minifigs/Caliver Books. 

I added some cuffs, turnbacks & widened the front of the coat, tweaked the waist coat to look more like a military fatigue jacket & added a sash

I then made a sword scabbard from some flattened copper wire with fittings, straps, links & sword knot made from greenstuff/brownstuff & fuse wire.

Here's the pictures of the Heavy Cavalryman

I wanted to add a Highwayman to the Unit, so I bought the pack of Beedles & Watchmen from the Irish Uprising range sold by Skytrex Military Models. 

There's three figures to a pack with separate heads, I already had a use for 2 of the miniatures.

I used a bare head that i had kicking about & made a battered top hat & neckerchief mask from greenstuff to make him look like what I imagined a Highwayman to be like.

I also used the figure with the Blunderbuss as a Coachman, I just used the standard figure for this without any modifications.

Finally, I picked up the issue of Wargames Illustrated with the free sprue of Plastic Warlord Games French Napoleonic Infantry.

First of all I cut off the muskets, I liked the look of the figures with the arm still across the chest, as if it was muscle memory from marching with the muskets.

Next I cut off the head from the Shako, gluing on a Zombie head from the old  Studio miniatures WW2 german Zombies.

I also added an arm to one the figures to make it look like it was carrying & eating it as it was walking along.


Thursday 16 November 2023

A Pulp & Silver Bayonet photo Drop

 I seem to have let the time slip by again without posting any updates 😕

Anyway here's some more Silver Bayonet & Pulp Miniatures.

First Up are the figures for The Silver Bayonet 

Ghouls From the Silver Bayonet Range

A Quick job on a couple of Reaper Gargoyles

I touched up & Re-based The Specimen Miniature from Empire of the Dead range

A Dog-Head from the Silver Bayonet Range

Two Vyrkolakas again from the Silver Bayonet Range

Now for some Pulp Goodness, ready to play The China Station Campaign for Pulp Alley

Two North Star Figures flanking , A Copplestone Chinese Warlord Figure & an old Citadel miniature

Some North Star Railway workers

North Star Tongs

First Corps Miniatures from the follies range

More First Corps Miniatures from the follies range

Two Copplestone Back of Beyond figures

And thats it, thanks for looking

Tuesday 18 July 2023

A Few More Bits for The Silver Bayonet

 I've slowly been working on some Bad Guys for The Silver Bayonet & been very slack in posting (as usual) 

Some Gripping Beast (Front Rank, Woodbine Design) WoR Foot Knights to use as Living Armour, A Converted Archduke Charles into a Headless horseman & some Scary Scarecrows.

There's a Wild Boar? from Reaper, I think.

Some 3d printed Bat Swarms from Only Games

A CP Models Plague Doctor to use as an Occultist with the French

Some actual official miniatures from North Star, Bloodless Hounds, Revenants & Living Scarecrows

& Finally some Alternative Armies, Flintloque Orcs to use as Hobgoblins & a converted Ogre to use as a Troll (or Ogre)